he third in a row seminar took place within our project at EU level: this time in Maristak Durango (Spain). The seminar was provided to teachers from several VET centers in the Basque Country, which are associated partners to the HETEL association. It was organized by our partner Politeknika Txorierri. The seminar was organized on 22nd April.
During the seminar, participants were introduced to:
– the overall objective of the GO GREEN project
– the importance of green skills and competences
– the effective implementation of apprenticeship schemes to develop green skills
– gamification and mentoring skills.
The participants in the seminar were 22 in total from 16 VET centers in the Basque Country.
The fourth seminar of the series took place in Greece, organized by IDEC and IIEK DELTA 360 on 29th April. The attendance was 171 total participants including trainers and teachers. IDEC and IIEK Delta 360 invited teachers and trainers via a campaign. 
The aim of the webinar was to introduce the GoGreen project and its possible applications in the VET system and to reflect on our daily impact on the planet. 
Presenters (panelists) of the webinar were Kostas Bariamis and Konstantinos Kiousis, members of the GoGreen partnership (from IDEC and IIEK Delta 360 respectively) and Ersi Niaoti who is a project manager and trainer with expertise in Gamification techniques, working for IDEC.



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